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15+ 5 Letter Words Ending In Ed - 10 Interesting Suggestions For You

pronunciation of ED endings Educação Dicas de ingles, Ingleses e
pronunciation of ED endings Educação Dicas de ingles, Ingleses e from

1. Cured

Cured is a 5 letter word that ends in ED. It is used to describe something that has been treated or healed, usually with the use of medicine. For example, if you had a sore throat and took some medicine, then you could say that you were cured of the sore throat. It's also used to describe food that has been treated in order to preserve it, such as cured ham or cured salmon. Cured is also used to refer to something that has been corrected or remedied, such as a cured mistake or a cured problem. Finally, cured can also be used to describe something that has been made better or improved, such as a cured relationship or a cured reputation.

2. Baked

Baked is another 5 letter word that ends in ED. It is used to describe something that has been cooked in an oven or other dry heat source. For example, you could say that you baked a cake or baked potatoes. It's also used to describe something that has been dried or hardened in the sun, such as baked clay or baked bricks. Finally, it is also used to describe something that has been hardened by heat, such as baked enamel or baked glass.

3. Moved

Moved is another 5 letter word that ends in ED. It is used to describe something that has been changed in position or location, such as moved furniture or moved houses. It can also be used to describe something that has been transferred from one place to another, such as moved money or moved data. Finally, it can also be used to describe something that has been emotionally stirred or motivated, such as moved by a speech or moved to tears.

4. Pined

Pined is another 5 letter word that ends in ED. It is used to describe something that has been longed for or desired, such as pined for love or pined for freedom. It can also be used to describe something that has been weakened or weakened, such as pined away or pined away from lack of sustenance. Finally, it can also be used to describe something that has been exhausted or worn down, such as pined away from overwork.

5. Croaked

Croaked is another 5 letter word that ends in ED. It is used to describe something that has been spoken in a hoarse or croaking voice, such as croaked an order or croaked a warning. It can also be used to describe something that has been made in a rough or unrefined way, such as croaked a song or croaked a joke. Finally, it can also be used to describe something that has been made in a hurried or careless manner, such as croaked up an answer.

6. Chased

Chased is another 5 letter word that ends in ED. It is used to describe something that has been pursued or followed, such as chased a thief or chased a suspect. It can also be used to describe something that has been driven away or scared away, such as chased away a cat or chased away a dog. Finally, it can also be used to describe something that has been sought after or sought out, such as chased after a dream or chased after a goal.

7. Placed

Placed is another 5 letter word that ends in ED. It is used to describe something that has been put or set in a certain place or position, such as placed a book or placed a chair. It can also be used to describe something that has been set aside or set aside for a particular purpose, such as placed in storage or placed on reserve. Finally, it can also be used to describe something that has been assigned or appointed to a certain role or position, such as placed in charge or placed in command.

8. Blamed

Blamed is another 5 letter word that ends in ED. It is used to describe something that has been held responsible or held accountable for something, such as blamed for a mistake or blamed for a failure. It can also be used to describe something that has been accused or accused of wrong-doing, such as blamed for a crime or blamed for a theft. Finally, it can also be used to describe something that has been castigated or castigated for a lack of action, such as blamed for inaction or blamed for negligence.

9. Glazed

Glazed is another 5 letter word that ends in ED. It is used to describe something that has been covered or coated with a thin layer of glass or varnish, such as glazed a window or glazed a painting. It can also be used to describe something that has been made shiny or polished, such as glazed a tile or glazed a floor. Finally, it can also be used to describe something that has been made sparkling or dazzling, such as glazed a diamond or glazed a pearl.

10. Waved

Waved is another 5 letter word that ends in ED. It is used to describe something that has been moved up and down or back and forth, such as waved a flag or waved a hand. It can also be used to describe something that has been moved in a rolling or undulating motion, such as waved a sheet or waved a curtain. Finally, it can also be used to describe something that has been moved in a sweeping or curving motion, such as waved a wand or waved a fan.

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