7+ 5 Letter Words Starting With “To” For You
Toady is a 5 letter word starting with the letter “T” and ending with the letter “Y.” It’s a verb that means to act servilely or obsequiously towards someone, often in order to gain favor. It’s usually used in a negative sense, implying that someone is attempting to manipulate another person through flattery. For example, “He’s been toadying to his boss all day in hopes of getting a promotion.”
Toast is a 5 letter word starting with the letter “T” and ending with the letter “T.” It’s a noun that refers to a type of bread that has been toasted. It can also refer to a brief speech given to honor someone or something, such as at a wedding or other special occasion. For example, “The bride and groom’s toast was so touching that it brought tears to everyone’s eyes.”
Tonal is a 5 letter word starting with the letter “T” and ending with the letter “L.” It’s an adjective that means relating to or concerned with tone or intonation, such as in music. It can also refer to a type of language in which words and phrases vary in pitch to convey meaning. For example, “The singing was beautiful and the tonal variations in the lyrics were especially impressive.”
Tough is a 5 letter word starting with the letter “T” and ending with the letter “H.” It’s an adjective that means strong and resilient, able to withstand or overcome difficult situations or conditions. It can also refer to someone who is not easily persuaded or intimidated. For example, “She’s a tough negotiator who won’t back down easily.”
Toxic is a 5 letter word starting with the letter “T” and ending with the letter “C.” It’s an adjective that means poisonous or containing poison. It can also refer to something that is harmful, destructive, or corrupting, such as a bad relationship or a negative attitude. For example, “The toxic environment in the office was making everyone miserable.”
Towel is a 5 letter word starting with the letter “T” and ending with the letter “L.” It’s a noun that refers to a piece of cloth or paper used for drying or wiping something, such as after washing or bathing. It can also refer to a piece of cloth or paper used to cover something, such as a table. For example, “She put a towel on the table to protect it from spills.”
Tower is a 5 letter word starting with the letter “T” and ending with the letter “R.” It’s a noun that refers to a tall, usually cylindrical structure, typically used for defensive or watchful purposes. It can also refer to a tall building or structure, such as a skyscraper or church spire. For example, “The tallest tower in the city is the Empire State Building.”
Treat is a 5 letter word starting with the letter “T” and ending with the letter “T.” It’s a verb that means to act or deal with someone or something in a particular way, such as with kindness or respect. It can also refer to something that is given or done as a special favor or privilege, such as a gift or special meal. For example, “She treated him to a nice dinner as a thank-you for all his help.”
Trier is a 5 letter word starting with the letter “T” and ending with the letter “R.” It’s a noun that refers to a person who evaluates or judges something, such as a judge or jury. It can also refer to a person who attempts something difficult, typically with determination and persistence. For example, “She is a trier and will never give up until she succeeds.”
Trot is a 5 letter word starting with the letter “T” and ending with the letter “T.” It’s a noun or verb that refers to a type of gait in which the horse moves its legs in diagonal pairs, with the left hind leg and right foreleg moving together, and so on. It can also refer to a slow, steady running pace at which a person or animal can maintain for a prolonged period of time. For example, “He went for a long trot in the park to get some exercise.”
Trust is a 5 letter word starting with the letter “T” and ending with the letter “T.” It’s a noun or verb that refers to a firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. It can also refer to a relationship of mutual dependence or understanding between people. For example, “The couple had a strong trust that allowed them to weather any storm.”
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