Wadidaw 5 Letter Words Ending In Ice – A Comprehensive List Ideas
Ice is a common letter combination that often appears at the end of many words. In this article, you will find a comprehensive list of five-letter words that all end in “ice”.
The most commonly used five-letter word ending in “ice” is price. Price is the amount of money that one person pays for a product or service. Prices vary from place to place and from product to product. Many people have to compare prices before making a purchase. The term “price” is derived from the Latin word “pretium”, which means “price”.
Another five-letter word ending in “ice” is slice. To slice something means to cut it into thin pieces. This is done using a knife or other cutting instrument. The pieces created are called slices. The term “slice” is derived from the Latin word “secare”, which means “to cut”.
Mice is a plural noun that refers to small rodents with slender bodies and long tails. Mice are common in homes, where they can cause damage to furniture and other items. They also spread disease. The term “mice” is derived from the Old English word “mūs”, which means “mouse”.
Vice is a five-letter word ending in “ice” that refers to an immoral or wicked behavior. Vices include things such as lying, stealing, cheating, and drinking. It is important to be aware of one’s own vices and to work to overcome them. The term “vice” is derived from the Latin word “vitium”, which means “fault”.
Lice are small wingless insects that live on humans and animals. They feed on the blood of their host and can cause skin irritation and itching. Lice infestations can be treated with special shampoos or creams. The term “lice” is derived from the Old English word “lēas”, which means “unclean”.
Spice is a five-letter word ending in “ice” that refers to a substance used to add flavor or color to food. Common spices include pepper, cinnamon, and turmeric. Spices are usually added to dishes during the cooking process to enhance their flavor. The term “spice” is derived from the Latin word “speciēs”, which means “appearance”.
Nice is a five-letter word ending in “ice” that refers to something that is pleasant or agreeable. People often use the word “nice” to describe someone or something that they like. It can also be used to express approval or admiration. The term “nice” is derived from the Latin word “nescius”, which means “ignorant”.
Rice is a five-letter word ending in “ice” that refers to a cereal grain that is a staple food for many cultures. It is eaten in many forms, such as boiled, fried, and steamed. Rice is an important source of carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins. The term “rice” is derived from the Old French word “riz”, which means “rice”.
Dice is a five-letter word ending in “ice” that refers to small cubes with different numbers of dots on each side. Dice are often used in board games and gambling. They are also used to decide the outcome of certain events. The term “dice” is derived from the Latin word “datum”, which means “something given”.
These are just some of the five-letter words ending in “ice”. There are many more words in this category, and it is important to know them in order to improve your English vocabulary.
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