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Wadidaw 5 Letter Words Ending In N I C Article

5 Letter Word Ending In NIC Wordle 240 Answer February 14, 2022
5 Letter Word Ending In NIC Wordle 240 Answer February 14, 2022 from


In the English language, there are many words that end in N I C. These words can be five letters long, and are often used in literature, poetry, and everyday conversation. In this article, we will explore five of the most common five-letter words ending in N I C. We'll explain the meaning of each word, and provide examples of how to use them in a sentence.


The first five letter word ending in N I C is mantic. This word is an adjective that means prophetic or oracular. It is used to describe someone who has the ability to accurately predict or foretell the future. For example, “The mantic lady predicted I would have a long and prosperous life.”


The second five letter word ending in N I C is panic. This word is a noun that describes a sudden and overwhelming fear or anxiety. It is often used to describe a situation in which people become agitated and scared. For example, “The passengers were in a state of panic when the airplane started to shake.”


The third five letter word ending in N I C is gothic. This word is an adjective that describes something that is dark and mysterious. It is often used to describe a type of literature or architecture. For example, “The gothic novel had a deep and unsettling atmosphere.”


The fourth five letter word ending in N I C is erotic. This word is an adjective that describes something that is sexually stimulating or arousing. It is often used to describe something that has a sexual content or nature. For example, “The erotic movie featured explicit scenes.”


The fifth five letter word ending in N I C is magic. This word is a noun that describes the use of supernatural or paranormal powers to cause things to happen. It is often used to describe a type of performance art or entertainment. For example, “The magician performed amazing feats of magic.”


These five letter words ending in N I C can all be used in different contexts. Whether you are writing a story, poem, or just having a conversation, these words can be used to add depth and detail to your writing. Be sure to use them correctly and in the appropriate context to get the most out of these words.

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